Guest Services
A Guest Services office (main office) is located in the southwest corner of the Civic Center. Access to the Guest Services Office (main office) is through the main arena entrance, then down the hallway to the right. The office is available to provide any assistance necessary, including disabled guest assistance and facilities. Phone 406.497.6400
Wifi Access
WiFi passcodes are only available to the promoter and will not be given out to patrons for public use.
Public Restrooms
Numerous restrooms and baby changing stations are located through out the Civic Center. Female restrooms include changing stations.
Disabled Guest Services
ADA compliant seating is available on the arena floor in the general admission pricing category. If you require disabled seating or special accommodations, be sure to communicate your needs to our ticket agent via phone. Online sales of ADA Compliant seating is currently being developed. In the meantime, please call our ticket office if you have already purchased tickets online and need special seating.
ATM Cash Machines
ATM Cash Machines are available in the Civic Center Lobby and main entrance Foyer. ATMs are available for public access during normal business hours and during all events scheduled with in the facility.
Lost & Found
The Butte Civic Center Guest Services Office will hold and lost and found items, so that items may be returned to the rightful owner. Should a lost item be located, the owner will be notified to pick up the item. If the guest lives out of town, the item will be shipped at the expense of the owner. When an item is picked up, the guest’s identification will be verified and the guest will be required to sign an acknowledgement of receipt.
Found items will be stored in a secure location. Items of significant value, such as jewelry, wallets, and credit cards will be stored under lock and key. If an item contains contact information of the owner, the owner will be notified (i.e. a wallet or checkbook). When a guest inquires about a found item they will be asked to describe the item fully. If it is determined a found items belongs to the guest, the guest must sign an acknowledgement of receipt.
Concession Stands
The Butte Civic Center offers a wide variety of Food and Beverages at our two main concession stands, at the west end of the north and south access corridors of the main arena. Our Pizza & Nut stand in the northwest corner offers cinnamon glazed nuts and pizza during select events. And of course don’t forget to check out the Candy Store in the southwest corner of the arena for candy, frozen treats and soft pretzels.
Liquor Policy & Sales
Liquor may NOT be packed into the Civic Center by guests at any time. Liquor may NOT be in the possession of or consumed by any person younger that 21 years of age. Violations of this policy will be referred to law enforcement.
The sale of Liquor with in the Civic Center is event dependent and is the sole responsibility of the event operator and a third party entity with a bar-catering license. When liquor is sold with in the Civic Center, we try to provide a non-liquor section with in the arena, for those who do not want to sit where liquor is being consumed. Please contact our Guest Services Office for more information.
Safety Inspections
The Butte Civic Center and/or local, state or federal authorities may require public safety inspections to events when required by the event operator, or when there is an anticipated need. The public safety inspection will be utilized to ensure that banned items and illegal items are not allowed through any of the entry doors. Prohibited items may include but not be limited to:
Cans or Bottles
Video Cameras
Recording Devices
Large Purses
Noise Makers
Outside Food
Illegal Drugs
Drug Paraphernalia
Outside Alcohol
Laser Pointers
Throwable Items
Non-Service Animals
Outside Beverages